TCLIP’s members come from all areas of the community – government, education, libraries, employers, health, the Chamber of Commerce, and community and social service organizations. Members have committed their experience and expertise to plan, guide and support community-level research and consultation towards the development and implementation of an Immigrant Integration Strategic Plan for the Tri-Cities.
Member agencies will:
Review the TCLIP Strategic Plan to reflect community needs and priorities
Collaborate on identifying solutions to service needs and gaps for immigrants living in the Tri-Cities;
Direct, support and monitor deliverables;
Provide community information and expertise on local immigration settlement trends and service needs;
Build the capacity of the community to be more welcoming and inclusive of newcomers; and
Work to influence and inform all levels of government on program and policy development as it relates to immigrant settlement and integration.
The current TCLIP membership is made up of the following 35 organizations.