About Us
Our Mandate
The Tri-Cities Local Immigration Partnership’s (TCLIP) mandate is to foster a more welcoming and inclusive community and improve the integration & inclusion of newcomers.
The Tri-Cities LIP will:
- Support collaboration, coordination and planning at the community level to foster a more welcoming and inclusive community and improve settlement and integration outcomes for newcomers and the community at large.
- Share promising practices and information on issues, strategies and trends related to immigration for organizations, government and service systems.
Guiding Values & Beliefs
The TCLIP believes that all residents in the Tri-Cities have a right to a welcoming and inclusive community. The TCLIP values:
- Participation in an environment that promotes acceptance, honesty, accountability, collaboration, trust and fairness;
- New ideas and creative strategies which will enhance the delivery of immigration services in Vancouver;
- Inclusiveness and diversity in all facets of its work; and
- Reciprocity by which immigrant integration is a two-way street between newcomers and the community.
Strategic Immigration Settlement Priorities
Based on numerous community consultations and literature review and analyses, the TCLIP identified four community priorities that would foster the inclusion of immigrants and newcomers to the Tri-Cities:
- Immigrant Labour Market Integration
- Access to Community Information & Services
- Social Inclusion & Civic Engagement of Newcomers
Learn more about how we are addressing these priorities in the Priorities & Projects.