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Canada Needs ‘Critical Rethink’ of Temporary Foreign Worker Program

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The Canadian Senate committee studying Canada’s temporary foreign worker program’s (TFWP) efficiency and possible areas for improvement has asserted that the immigration pathway in question is “in need of a critical rethink.”

“Over the course of the last couple of years, we have heard various concerns about temporary foreign workers and there is an interest in our committee to address these concerns,” said Senator Stan Kutcher in a recent interview with

“So we undertook the study to actually learn about the program to see if the program was meeting the needs that it was initially designed to do, or whether those need to change, if the programs needed to be revised.”

The study – which has been in the works for months – comes in tandem with UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, Tomoya Obokata, calling the program “breeding grounds for contemporary forms of slavery.”

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