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Eliminating late fees at Port Moody Library would ‘create a more welcoming environment’

Eliminating late fees would cost the Port Moody Library about $38,000 in revenue.

At a presentation of its 2025 budget to council’s finance committee on Friday, Oct. 25, board chair Daphne Herberts said the Port Moody Library is the last in the Lower Mainland to continue fining patrons for books and other materials that are returned late.

That’s lead to complaints from some of its visitors, she explained, while others avoid the library altogether.

Herberts added eliminating fines would help the library “create a more welcoming environment for all,” as the penalties tend to disproportionately affect low income earners who may not have the means to get to the facility frequently.

Marc Saunders, the director of Port Moody Library, said other possible solutions like eliminating late fees just for local residents or making the payment of fines voluntary would be technologically challenging to implement as well as confusing for patrons.

“We really need to be very clear with our community by removing any ambiguity,” he said.