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Prepare for heat

People throughout British Columbia are encouraged to be prepared for heat as many regions of the province will experience high temperatures beginning Friday, July 5, 2024.

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has forecast increasingly hot temperatures for many parts of the province this weekend, and the Province is reminding people to plan ahead to stay safe.

Heat warnings and special-weather statements are in place for coastal areas of B.C., and ECCC is expected to expand warnings to the Interior. High temperatures are expected to first hit Vancouver Island and southwestern B.C. and spread to the Interior. The hot weather is expected to last into the middle of next week.

For many, these will be the first high temperatures of the season, which can lead some people to overheat because they are not yet accustomed to warmer weather.

Older adults and people with chronic health conditions are most susceptible to extreme heat, especially if they live alone. High-risk conditions include schizophrenia, COPD, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and physical and cognitive disabilities. People who are most susceptible should plan to access a cool space, take measures to stay cool and hydrated, or even stay with friends or family who have air conditioning if they cannot stay cool at home.