Priorities & Projects

Civic participation in newcomers creates a sense of attachment and ownership to the community. For many newcomers, they may not be aware of how to participate in these opportunities. TCLIP continues to find innovative ways to collaborate with partners to engage newcomers and immigrants in civic participation opportunities. From collaborating on a community event, focus groups or surveys, we are open to exploring new ways to engage diverse voices in civic participation. Some examples are below:
Welcome to Coquitlam
During this annual event to inform the residents of city services, the City of Coquitlam presented information on the roles and responsibilities of local government. Enhanced language training and translation was made available in partnership with immigrant serving agencies. The City of Coquitlam hosts and organizes this annual event to welcome all residents to learn more about city services as well as community partners’ programs and services.
Northeast Community Centre Community Consultations
In June 2020, the City of Coquitlam held a series of virtual community consultations with residents of the Burke Mountain Village neighbourhood on a community recreation centre that will be built there by 2026. Brief online presentations about the facility project were followed by discussions and questions with 8-10 residents from each language group. The sessions were made available in Farsi, Korean & Mandarin, in partnership with MOSAIC, ISSofBC and S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
Tri-Cities Literacy Learn About Government & Elections
In partnership with the Tri-Cities Literacy Committee, two sessions of Learn About Government & Elections were presented to groups of newcomers on the different responsibilities of the various levels of government and how to vote during an election.