Public Safety Canada
Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Program (SIP) Created in 2007, the SIP supports the implementation of projects to help communities with a demonstrated history of being victimized by hate-motivated crime through the enhancement of their security infrastructure. The SIP funds up to 50% of the cost of security equipment—such as lighting, fencing, cameras, and alarm
systems—up to a maximum of $100,000 per project.
Who can apply?
Private, not-for-profit organizations that are clearly linked to a community at risk of hate-motivated crime are eligible to receive SIP funding, but are limited to:
• Places of worship such as a temple, mosque, synagogue, gurdwara or church, where a group of people can gather to perform acts of religious praise, meditation, honour or devotion;
• Provincially/territorially recognized private educational institutions, including primary and secondary schools; and
• Community centres, such as a community drop-in centre or aboriginal Friendship Centre, where members of a community can gather year-round for social or cultural activities